Planning Commission

Picture of plans

The Hughson Planning Commission meets in the City Council Chambers on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise noticed.

The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to alternating two year terms. To be eligible for appointment or to hold office as a member of the Planning Commission, a person shall be a resident and a registered voter in the City of Hughson.

Responsibilities of the Planning Commission range from preparing and recommending to the City Council adoption, amendment or repeal of a general plan, recommending approval or disapproval or modification of all maps or plats of land subdivision in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act of the state or as may be provided by city ordinance; hold hearings on planning and zoning matters as prescribed in the State Conservation and Planning Act or by city ordinance; advise and recommend the acquisition, used, or disposition of all City owned property. Perform all of the functions assigned to a city planning commission by the Conservation and Planning Act and other statutes of the state relating to planning and zoning and perform such other duties relating to planning and zoning as the Council may require by ordinance or resolution. Members of the Planning Commission receive a $50 stipend for each meeting attended.

Members of the Planning Commission

  • Chair Brian EvansĀ 
  • Commissioner Kevin Cloherty
  • Commissioner Warren Kennedy
  • Commissioner Susana Vasquez
  • Commissioner Abel Morin